Why Light Bulb Camera not connect to wifi
There are various reasons for not being able to connect to WiFi. The most common reasons are weak WiFi signal, wrong password and hardware failure.
- The Light Bulb camera is far away from the router and the WiFi signal is weak, so it cannot connect to WiFi.
- Wrong WiFi password
- The bulb camera is connected to 5G wifi (some bulb cameras do not support 5G wifi).
Fix Light Bulb Camera not connecting to wifi
If you’re having trouble connecting your Light Bulb camera to a WiFi network, don’t worry, we recommend that you read the guide below and follow the steps provided to try and fix the problem.
- Ensure that your Light Bulb Camera is powered on and that there is an indicator light or voice prompt when it is switched on.
- Reboot your router to rule out any router problems.
- Connect to 2.4G wifi and make sure your wifi password is correct. (2.4G Wifi has a better signal)
- Set the wifi name and password to English and numbers. (Some bulb cameras may not be able to connect to a name other than English, it is recommended that you contact your camera seller to confirm the supported wifi information).
- Reset the Light Bulb Camera and reconnect to the app.
Usually, the Light Bulb Camera hardware is working fine and you will be able to connect to Wi-Fi without any problems.
If following the steps above fails to connect more than 3 times, there is a high probability that the Light Bulb Camera is faulty, please contact your Light Bulb Camera retailer.
Why is my Light Bulb Camera offline & not working?
There are several reasons why the Light Bulb Camera may be offline or not working
- It’s not powered on, you need to turn on your bulb socket to get it to work.
- Not connected to wifi, you can try rebooting the Light Bulb Camera or router, if this works the camera will come back online.
- wifi signal is weak, the Light Bulb Camera is installed in a location where the wifi signal is weak.
- Reset the Light Bulb Camera and reconnect to the app.
Why is my Light Bulb Camera repeatedly offline?
If it is constantly online and then offline, this is usually due to a weak wifi signal and we recommend strengthening your wifi signal.
If there is a hardware problem, please contact your Light Bulb Camera dealer.
How To Reset Light Bulb Camera?
- Make sure your Light Bulb Camera is powered up
- Press and hold the reset button until the Light Bulb Camera gives a voice prompt (approx. 6 seconds)
- After resetting the Light Bulb Camera, you will need to reconnect the camera.
Light Bulb Camera reset button At the bottom, you can find the reset or r prompt.

Why Light Bulb Camera not connect to wifi
There are various reasons for not being able to connect to WiFi. The most common reasons are weak WiFi signal, wrong password and hardware failure.
- The Light Bulb camera is far away from the router and the WiFi signal is weak, so it cannot connect to WiFi.
- Wrong WiFi password
- The bulb camera is connected to 5G wifi (some bulb cameras do not support 5G wifi).
Fix Light Bulb Camera not connecting to wifi
If you’re having trouble connecting your Light Bulb camera to a WiFi network, don’t worry, we recommend that you read the guide below and follow the steps provided to try and fix the problem.
- Ensure that your Light Bulb Camera is powered on and that there is an indicator light or voice prompt when it is switched on.
- Reboot your router to rule out any router problems.
- Connect to 2.4G wifi and make sure your wifi password is correct. (2.4G Wifi has a better signal)
- Set the wifi name and password to English and numbers. (Some bulb cameras may not be able to connect to a name other than English, it is recommended that you contact your camera seller to confirm the supported wifi information).
- Reset the Light Bulb Camera and reconnect to the app.
Usually, the Light Bulb Camera hardware is working fine and you will be able to connect to Wi-Fi without any problems.
If following the steps above fails to connect more than 3 times, there is a high probability that the Light Bulb Camera is faulty, please contact your Light Bulb Camera retailer.
Why is my Light Bulb Camera offline & not working?
There are several reasons why the Light Bulb Camera may be offline or not working
- It’s not powered on, you need to turn on your bulb socket to get it to work.
- Not connected to wifi, you can try rebooting the Light Bulb Camera or router, if this works the camera will come back online.
- wifi signal is weak, the Light Bulb Camera is installed in a location where the wifi signal is weak.
- Reset the Light Bulb Camera and reconnect to the app.
Why is my Light Bulb Camera repeatedly offline?
If it is constantly online and then offline, this is usually due to a weak wifi signal and we recommend strengthening your wifi signal.
If there is a hardware problem, please contact your Light Bulb Camera dealer.
How To Reset Light Bulb Camera?
- Make sure your Light Bulb Camera is powered up
- Press and hold the reset button until the Light Bulb Camera gives a voice prompt (approx. 6 seconds)
- After resetting the Light Bulb Camera, you will need to reconnect the camera.
Light Bulb Camera reset button At the bottom, you can find the reset or r prompt.

Glad to hear you love the camera light bulb! To fix the upside-down image, check the camera settings in the app. Look for the ‘Image Rotation’ or ‘Flip’ option and enable it. This should correct the view. Let me know if you need further help also it may help you to find the best light bulb camera one for you
I love the camera light bulb however the image is upside down. What do I need to do to get the image right side up?
What is expected shipping & delivery time?
Ordered now will I get it by Friday Dec 20?
Can it be easily set up quickly on receiving?
My 2nd camera connects to WiFi and records but none of the videos playback. It keeps asking me to purchase cloud storage, which I have on the other camera. I don’t need any cloud storage For the second came because it supposed to playback 6 seconds as a basic feature. Why is there no playback at all for the 2nd camera?
when trying to playback video it will display “getting video stream” then a progress meter display’s untill 100% then it goes back to the beggining again withour displaying the video.
How do you fix this!?
Hello I have one of them wifi lightbulb cameras , and I have everything set up until I get to the point where is says to hold the front of my phone up to the camera so that the camera can read the barcode , and wait for I believe 3 beeps… For some reason the camera on the lightbulb camera wont read the barcode 🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️ I’m so lost lol can anyone PLEASE help me out with this ?? THANK YOU 😊😊 SIGNED FRUSTRATED SOCKET GUY LOL…
Bought my cameras and they worked great at first. Did the free 7 day trial and at the very beginning of the seventh day I tried to cancel and twice it said there was a problem. Then I tried a couple hours later and it cancelled it but they had already charged me the 129.99 before the end of the seven day free trial! Now the cameras don’t work work at all!!